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The Iconic Edition
|11 Oct 2019|3 mins

3 Outfits That Will Make You Feel Like You’re On Holiday

The power of make believe. 

Feeling like a week on a tropical beach but your annual leave balance says otherwise? Sure, it seemed like a good idea at the time, taking that time off to watch all nine series of Scrubs* all at once, but you might have spent it a little better sipping your way through all kinds of cocktails and a week in Balinese villa. 

But that was then and this is now. 

So, while you cross off the days until the nationally-regulated public holidays roll your way, there are some things you can do to make your Monday to Friday seem a little, well, less Monday to Friday. 

Here’s our hot tips...

Linen, linen and more linen


Linen, linen and more linen

It was a favourite of the Palm Springs set, the Hollywood crew and they were - of course – onto something: nothing quite says holiday like linen. With fresh feels and pared-back vibes, linen is easy, it’s breezy and it’s – always – vacation-ready.

Shop The Look
Casual Long Sleeve Shirt
Casual Long S...
Linen Shorts
Linen Shorts
Linen Short Romper
Linen Short R...

The vacation-ready shirt


The vacation-ready shirt

Worn by (in no particular order): Leo as Romeo, Elvis in Hawaii and almost every cast member of Weekend at Bernie’s. None of whom (really) had jobs. Yes, this is the kind of shirt that’s more about drink orders than deadlines. The louder and more tropical, the more exotic you’ll feel. Get involved. 

Shop The Look
Greenery Short Sleeve Shirt
Greenery Shor...
Sycamore Short Sleeve Shirt
Sycamore Shor...
Puerto SS Shirt
Puerto SS Shirt

Show Those Toes


Show Those Toes

Shoes will inbuilt air conditioning? Holiday ready for sure. Why not free up those feet of yours and embrace the woven shoe or, go all the way, and commit to a work-ready mandal. Style these with lightweight tailoring to keep the ‘Amalfi’s in my future’ vibe strong and pair with any or both of the above options for the win. 

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* You really shouldn’t have bothered with the last season. J.D. is hardly even in it. 

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