I hate winter. This was the deciding factor in emigrating to Australia instead of Canada when I fled the long winters of the UK. While it’s undeniable that they’re milder, shorter and more tolerable here than in the Northern Hem, winters are still inescapable if you live in Sydney, Melbourne or Adelaide. So what can we do to perk ourselves up for the few chilly months of the year? Here’s my list.
1. Lean in
Short of relocating to Queensland, what choice do we have? Since it’s only a few months of discomfort, I try to enjoy the things we don’t have the rest of the year. I invest in a really nice knit jumper (and live in it), some good boots and run all my errands looking and feeling 50% chicer than the balmy summer months.
2. Be a social butterfly
It can oppose your every instinct in winter, but committing to social things helps to avoid the temptation to hibernate. No need to have your calendar packed to the brim, but a few friendly catch ups per week balance out the work-transport-pyjamas treadmill it can feel like you’re riding for a couple of cold months. Plus, your new jumper and boots get another spin.
3. Absorb Vit D
Getting outside in the reduced hours of sunlight can do wonders for mood and general wellbeing. SPF is essential all year round, even on cloudy days, so slather some on, invest in a pair of fun-glasses and vow to eat lunch outside or squeeze in a walk around the block before work.
4. Cosy up your home
It’s the season for soft throws, fragrant candles and diffusers, piles of pillows and an excuse to spend the evening bingeing Succession. I use the extra time inside to get around to my decorating to-do list, even if that’s just putting up a few frames to personalise a rental. Making your home a really cosy place to be improves the winter months and before you know it, the days are getting longer again.
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