Whether it’s their first smile or the first time they sleep through the night, baby’s firsts are always such a special memory to hold on to. This festive season, we asked Jess Miller how she plans on making Christmas memorable for her newest addition to the @__themillers family.
“The most important thing we will be doing is spending time with family. I’m just glad we can all be together for Edie’s first Christmas. My in-laws have just moved up to the Northern Rivers area from Sydney, so we will be doing a big family Christmas at their new house.

For me the first Christmas is more about a milestone than lots of gifts. I like to give something meaningful, like a keepsake or heirloom quality gift. Handmade wooden toys that they can then pass onto their own children, books or grandma knits are some of my favourite gifts to give or receive for the girls. Nothing that will end up in a landfill.
We don’t make a huge fuss about Santa, but the girls pick up a lot about him from TV, friends, kindergarten etc. so we go along with the magic, but it’s more about family to us. The only gifting tradition we have is the girls always receive a pair of Christmas pyjamas along with their advent calendar on the first of December. Frankie, my two-year old, still doesn’t understand so she hasn’t asked for anything yet, but Isla, my four-year old, wants a ‘glittery rainbow unicorn bicycle’ if that even exists!