The linen shirt: nature’s shortcut to sophistication. Whether you’re pairing one with a suit jacket for an alfresco dinner or throwing one on with boardies after a day at the beach, a linen shirt will always enhance your standing by those few extra points.
Here, five shirts that will have you looking sharp through summer, no matter your plans.
Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren
Whether power-lunching or pleasure boating there’s one logo that’ll get you an invite to the top table: Ralph Lauren’s little red polo player. Wear this navy blue shirt tucked or untucked, with a jacket or without – any which way will have you looking smart, composed and prosperous.
Tommy Hilfiger

Tommy Hilfiger
Managing to retain that James Dean look of the 1950s, while endlessly appealing to a modern crowd, Tommy wins big for its short-sleeved shirts. The cotton-linen mix of this one – and its chalk-white colour - lends it a timeless, and characteristically summery, American feel.
Academy Brand

Academy Brand
There’s a part in all of us that dreams of one day standing on the deck of our own yacht on the French Riviera, soaking up the Mediterranean sun. And this effortlessly refined shirt from Academy Brand, paired with pressed blue shorts, is the kind of thing we’d be wearing. And boat shoes, of course.
Assembly Label

Assembly Label
With a fit that’s on the relaxed side and a muted seagrass shade, this shirt from Assembly Label could be your go-to throw-on after a day in the sand and sea. Equally, pair it with smart pants and shoes and it’ll be an instant winner at a posh dinner.