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The Iconic Edition
|10 Dec 2019|5 mins

5 Tips to Make Your Festive Celebrations More Considered

Leah Williams, the mama behind @the.dearest.days, shares her advice for making Christmas more sustainable this year.

“Christmas for us is all about family time, food and presents (clearly the most important things), but this year, we’re also trying to shop smart and more sustainable, so we can help this little old earth of ours.”

We asked Leah Williams, the talented mama behind @the.dearest.days to share 5 tips to make Christmas more sustainable for her family.

“Where we can, we love to purchase our gifts from Australian made brands and we always try to buy gifts people need or include an exchange card. Purchasing local produce is also great as it helps support our farmers at the same time.”

Did you know that Aussies use approximately 150,000 kilometres of wrapping paper every year, according to research from CARE Australia, AND some of it isn’t recyclable, particularly if it’s metallic or glittery? “This year we grabbed some 100% recyclable brown paper and to give it a bit of glam we’ll be popping some special drawings on it.”

“Take a look in the cupboard at what you might already have to pop presents in. It could be a box, a bag, wrapping paper from previous presents, or artwork your kids have done throughout the year. I always knew those ribbons I’ve been hoarding for the entire year would come in handy!”

“Christmas is one of the worst times for food wastage as we usually buy WAY too much and then it gets chucked out. This year we’ll be doing up a bit of a menu plan to minimise our waste as well as making sure we eat all of the yummy leftovers if there are any.”

“I think one of my favourite things about Christmas time is all the pretty lights, but they suck up a heap of electricity, so make sure you turn those bad boys off at bedtime.”

For more sustainable gift ideas, discover THE ICONIC Considered edit.

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