Recognising animal welfare concerns that exist in the fashion industry we understand the need to support non-animal product alternatives that are certified through trusted third-party programs. Read on to learn more about the programs we recognise.
We're conscious of the responsibility we share with other stakeholders in the fashion industry to ensure good animal welfare practices are upheld.
When sourcing non-animal alternatives, partnering with recognised certification schemes and standards provides us with assurance that certain products are certified as Vegan or Cruelty Free.
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Cruelty Free International works to create a world where no animals suffer in a laboratory. Their Leaping Bunny Programme approves brands that have made a genuine commitment to help end animal testing.
PETA's 'Global Beauty Without Bunnies' Program contains two certifications that brands can be recognised under - one being animal testing–free, and the other is animal testing–free and Vegan. To be accredited to “cruelty-free” under, a company must not only ban animal tests but also refuse to use any animal-derived ingredients.
The Vegan Society's Vegan Trademark certification thoroughly checks products to ensure that they meet the Vegan Trademark’s standards. Once a product has been certified, the trademark can be displayed on it to give consumers assurance that it does not contain animal ingredients or by products.
For products that do contain animal fibres, THE ICONIC has developed our own Animal Welfare Policy for our brands and third-party suppliers to adhere to - ensuring that they align with the five key Animal Welfare Standards. Learn more about our Animal Welfare Policy here.